Wednesday 23 March 2016

‘Be picky’ and 24 other great tips for teachers on how to manage a classroom

While an education reform policy debate becomes ever more furious around the country, teachers still have to teach every day. Here are 25 great tips to help teachers keep their classrooms in control. The most brilliant teacher can’t help kids learn if he/she can’t manage the classroom. Edutopia is a nonpartisan organization created and operated by the George Lucas Educational Foundation. It is dedicated to improving the K-12 learning process through innovative and evidence-based strategies that help kids thrive in school and beyond.


Whether you’re a new or experienced teacher, strategies for effective classroom management are vital to keeping your class running smoothly and creating a positive learning environment. In this guide you’ll find the 25 best tips for classroom management contributed by the educators of Edutopia’s community.

Tip: Pick your rules wisely. More rules doesn’t always equate to better behavior.
“An environment that is dictated by too many rules is rigid, cold and likely to create an atmosphere of rebellion…Rules and routines are an excellent way to communicate your behavioral expectations, but not the way to completely ‘manage’ your classroom.” — Tracey Garrett, professor of teacher education, New Jersey
Tip: Avoid confronting misbehaving students in front of their classmates.
“Whenever I had confrontations in front of their peers, it often escalated….I began to ask the student to step out of the classroom to talk to me. I usually remained calm and reasoned, but firm in what behaviors I would and wouldn’t accept. 90% of the time, we’d return to the classroom, no one would lose face, and the situation would be resolved.” — Gary Latman, retired high school English teacher, Chicago
Tip: Don’t waste your energy reprimanding every small misbehavior.
“Pick your battles when it comes to student behavior issues…we waste precious energy and create more distraction when we jump on every single thing students do. Decide what your bottom line issues are…then be prepared to enforce them consistently every day of the year.” — Renee/TeachMoore, English teacher, Mississippi
Tip: Keep calm and carry on.
“When every other element is out of your control, you can still manage your reaction.” —Instructional Specialist,
“Try not to yell. Once you yell, they have won. I get a much better response from students when I simply count backwards or just look at them.” — Margie, 3rd grade teacher, Rochester, N.Y.
Tip: Always have a plan in mind for handling misbehavior.
“Always having a plan. From small to large infractions, being consistent with your plan is imperative. The students will always want to test you, but if your reaction is always the same, the game is over quickly.” —  Jo Ann Brass 
Tip: Greet your students at the door.
“Greet every child at the door first thing in the morning or at the beginning of class to help reconnect and set the tone for your day or class.” —Janofmi, MEA National Board candidate support provider, Michigan
Tip: Try to look at things from your students’ perspective and be empathetic.
“I strongly, firmly believe that if teachers do not wear our students’ shoes when necessary, we are not doing our job well. This is especially true when dealing with teenagers…we have to be extremely careful about what we say and how we say what we need to.” —Roselink, ESL Teacher, Madrid, Spain
Tip: Build rapport with your students and show them you care.
“Spend time participating in their extracurricular activities, attend sporting events, concerts, etc. to support them. [This] has definitely paid off because if I need to have a talk with a student in terms of their academics or behavior, I am able to accomplish so much more because I have developed a trusting and honest relationship with them.” — Emily
Tip: Confront issues head-on to find a solution.
“I noticed that students that are difficult are usually masking something else. I find out what it is by ‘Slaying the dragon.’ I try to become a friend to the student. I go to their games. Talk to them at lunch etc. I notice how they react to the learning process. If a child has difficulty reading or math we privately work on those issues before or after school.” — Tanya Shank
Tip: Don’t take it personally when a student lashes out. Treat each day as an opportunity to start fresh.
“I started my teaching career in an alternative school in a rough part of town. My mentor told me, ‘Don’t take it personally. The students want you to hurt as much as they are hurting.’ I have never forgotten that and each day, the slate is wiped clean and I harbor no grudges towards my students.” — Lisa Brown 
Tip: Don’t be afraid to reach out to parents.
“They really are our allies. For every two phone calls that you have to make about a problem that you are dealing with in class, make one positive one to a parent just to say something nice about their child.” — Elizabeth Ramos, high school teacher, Chatsworth, Calif.
Tip: Ask students questions to help make them feel comfortable.
“…be friendly with students and make them comfortable. Communication is really very important to make them feel free with you. Engage them through discussions and asking them several questions, as this will boost up their confidence and interest level.” —  Jessica, math teacher and tutor at
Tip: Make your expectations clear from the get-go.
“Take the time to teach expectations, and reteach them as needed. This may feel like you are wasting time that could be spent on curriculum, but when you add up the time it would take to do a menial task throughout your semester or year, you are actually adding time spent on instruction.” — Carey Rebecca, high school A.P English teacher
Tip: Embrace the “Golden Rule” in your class(es).
“I only have one rule: Treat me with the same respect and dignity that you want me to treat you. I always remind them when something is not right: How would you like it if I did that to you? This diffuses so many situations and the other children also look to the offender and ask the same question.” — Lorraine
Tip: Be consistent in expectations and discipline.
“Consistent execution of the rules helps to maintain the respect fostered in the classroom. Once these rules are in place, I feel the most vital piece of classroom management is developing relationships of trust and equality. If this is the ultimate goal of a student-teacher relationship, real learning can take place.” — Jennifer Hendren

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